Delta I, 2019
pigment print on papers, 70x103, 103x70, 103x70 cm
installation view at block 37, gilman barracks, NTU CCA Singapore
The photographic work, made during a field trip to the coast of the Mekong Delta, depicts the tissue-like consistency of the delta soil at low tide. In the images, captured on highly sensitive film, which produce a large-grain texture, the optical texture merges with the physical granularity of the land creating a border- less, almost tactile landscape.
di, 2109
found footage, laptop, continuous loop
installation view at block 37, gilman barracks, NTU CCA Singapore
The video work is a montage of 2 found footages, sourced online, the video slowly unfolds in an imperfectly symmetrical sequence that follows the erratic trajectories traced by the insects on opposite hands. By using an editing technique called L - cut, the audio from a preceding shot continues overlapping the image from the following shot, as if recreating the sense of touch.
Untitiled (sole), 2019
found rubber soles
installation view at block 37, gilman barracks, NTU CCA Singapore
During the artist’s repeated rambles in Singapore’s forest trails, the artist collected fragments of rubber soles inadvertently left behind by other strollers or runners. These items are arranged on the floor in a branching out formation that ripples off the architectural corner of the space.