Influx, 2023
Part of Rapid Eye Movement 's screening programme at Doc Club & Pub, Bangkok, Semtember 3, 2023
Photo Credit: Rapid Eye Movement
The cinema room's door was left open for the audience to come and go. "Faucet" was being screened inside while the neon lights were on. Meanwhile, in the lounge area, two TV screens that are normally used for playing YouTube music clips were displaying the work "di" with the lights turned off.

Faucet, 2023
video HD, sound, continuous loop
The video work shows a mattress leaning vertically against a wall. In this position the mattress is taking a break from its function—a vertical rest from its horizontal use. The mattress becomes a surface, a screen, a sound absorption panel. Tanatchai recorded direct ambient sound as he turned on the faucets that had been at rest for about twenty years. The sound of the faucet creates movement and motion that flow from the state of stillness, filling up the space, connecting everything together.

di, 2109
found footage, sound, continuous loop
The video work is a montage of 2 found footages, sourced online, the video slowly unfolds in an imperfectly symmetrical sequence that follows the erratic trajectories traced by the insects on opposite hands. By using an editing technique called L - cut, the audio from a preceding shot continues overlapping the image from the following shot, as if recreating the sense of touch.